With tears in his eyes, he thanked me and the staff for trying our best to help him. God called a young boy named Samuel to be a priest, prophet, and judge, in contrast with the older priests who were corrupt and soon to be judged. Christ is the theme of Scripture. The one commonly thought of as the most common topic Jesus taught about. What does the Bible really teach? Jesus emphasized that His kingdom was different. In addition, in Genesis 12:1-3, God promised to bless Abraham and make him a great nation if he left his family to journey to a land which God would show him. We have to look at the surrounding context to determine what Jesus is actually pointing to. Is it the most talked-about/taught issue? 1 John 3:16-17 states that the way I help others with material goods is indicative of the very love of God in me. Money. He used a young boy named David to defeat the hero of the Philistines, while all the trained, battle-seasoned soldiers were demoralized and afraid. Topics, words, chapters, characters, and locations. When reading through Genesis 1-11, it is clear God chose Enoch for blessing because he walked with God, as did Noah. Some people even dress all in black. God demonstrates many aspects of human personalityjoy, wrath, jealously, lovewith one exception: Gods person is perfect and ours is flawed. Of course there are many references in the old testament to Jesus in the types and in the prophecies of the messiah, but I only listed the times the actual names occurred in all cases. The first prophecy was proclaimed immediately after the fall. So, what did Jesus teach about the most? In Jeremiah 1:5, God said, Before I formed you in your mothers womb I chose you. Which is what causes many to assume hes talking about money. It is not because you were more numerous than all the other peoples that the Lord favored and chose youfor in fact you were the least numerous of all peoples. 53. Christ (without Jesus) is mentioned an additional 286 times (approx). You can find David mentioned 1,011 times in the good book. How should believers respond to the theme of election according to Scripture (Matt 11:25-27, Rom 11:33-36, 1 Pet 1:1-2)? English Standard Version (ESV): 14 times. The Bible sees what happens to mankind in the light of God's nature, righteousness, faithfulness, mercy, and love. Sin (14), sinned (3), sinner(s) (14), sinful (1). In part one (0:00-17:15), Tim and Jon introduce Dr. Carissa Quinn, who will join this new series on the Character of God. His own crucifixion, crucify (2), death (2), rejected (5), killed (8), suffer (7), condemn (1), lifted heel (1), betray me (4). [Please A powerful evidence of this is the story of Enoch. To grow grapes, you need to prune the vines, as mentioned in Isaiah 5:6 and John 15:2. Likewise, Scripture tells of many heroes who experienced Gods favor because of their faith and obedience. What Jesus is using in Luke 14:26 is hyperbole or an extreme exaggeration . 47. So after resolving in my heart to go, I exited my car and walked away from the streetlights, towards the looming bridge ahead of me. CLASS. The Character and Attributes of God 11. The places where people rush into sin are perfect places for them to come face-to-face with Gods radical love instead. One of the major themes of Scripture is the self-revelation of God. ( Romans 3:23 NKJV) Sin is a vital word in the Bible, one that we must understand. There is a debate among Christians on the topic of whether or not we will see animals or our pets in heaven. As mentioned previously, there are over 300 Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in Christs first coming. I don't have my bible in front of me at the moment but I. Three Old Testament Hebrew words often translated as "sin" in the English language are chatta'ah, pesha, and avon. Christs apostles taught the gospel in Jerusalem, but because of persecution from Jews, believers spread to other parts of the world and taught the gospel there. LORD - 7365 GOD - 4293 MAN - 2747 ISRAEL - 2509 PEOPLE - 2271 KING - 2124 SON - 1980 MEN - 1860 HOUSE - 1840 DAY - 1759 CHILDREN - 1727 LAND - 1641 THINGS - 1438 HAND - 1419 EARTH - 1088 It would be hard to untie these two things and discern which is the more prevalent message. Either is correct, depending upon your religious stance. The walk felt like an eternity. Butsomething was missing. We saw his glorythe glory of the one and only, full of grace and truth, who came from the Father. Scripture begins with the account of Gods creation of the heavens and the earth and all that is within them. I thank God for finding this page. After extensive research and seeking counsel from local pastors, I discovered that with the exception of God himself, the poor are the most talked about subject in all of Scripture. Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, 50 Biblically Accurate Facts About Angels in the Bible, 50 Most Profitable Youth Group Fundraising Ideas for Your Church, 250 Ice Breaker Questions for Teen Youth Groups, 25 Important Examples of Pride in the Bible, Why Jesus Wept and 11 Lessons from His Tears, 25 Different Ways to Worship God and Praise the Lord. God bless you, too. What Im getting at is money is not the focal point to many of those 11 parables. It was time to begin my journey helping and loving the poor of Bellingham, Washington. It was a warm summer night when I stood on my balcony, looking up at the stars. In fact, Scripture says that humanity was made in the very image of God (Gen 1:27). These promises and examples are not exclusive to the Old Testament; the theme of rewards for faith and obedience is found in the New Testament as well. Let's begin our examination of the frequency of "hell" in the Bible with a review of the most widely used English translations: King James Version (KJV): 54 times. From Abraham came the nation of Israeldesignated to be a nation of priests who would be a light to the world. Use our free online Bible resource tools to grow deeper in the Word. In the same way that the glory of God inhabited the tabernacle and temple, Christ was the glory of God manifested in human flesh. We now love a God we hated ( Eph. Genesis starts in top left and Revelation ends in bottom right. It is a fascinating study with no one right answer. Sin is absolutely destructive; therefore, God sent his Son to redeem people from the power, penalty, and presence of sin. To help you make the decision easier, I have created this list of 100+ fascinating Bible study topics. It shouldnt surprise us that Jesus, who was God, taught mostly about God and His Kingdom. After judging the world at Babel, God decided to bless the family of Abraham. And this is just one example of many of how we misuse Scripture. It can refer to the end of a cycle or when something is finished. He showed how God stood in starch contrast to the other gods. There are many ways to study the Bible. However, if you In addition, Christ was always pictured in the sacrificial lamb in the Old Testament. So Jesus/Jesus Christ/Christ occurs 113 times more than David. In Isaiah 58:114, God outright invalidates the prayers and fasting of those who ignore the poor, but promises to hear the cries of those who help the poor. By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him. God felt distant, and I became more and more restless in my pursuit for greater intimacy with him. In Job 29:125, Job attributes all of his success, blessings, and joy in life to loving and befriending the poor, the needy, and the victims of injustice. There are 1,189 chapters in the Bible. A concordance is kind of like a dictionary except, instead of defining the word, it lists out all the passages where that word is found. Verse Concepts. Scripture quotations marked (KJV) are from the King James Version of the Bible. After four years of drug abuse and being part of a gang, I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and went on to serve as a missionary for two years in a First Nations reservation in the Northwest Territories of Canada. We should use the context of the Bible to shows us the point of the message and not just a singular verse. He simply says, God is God! As potter, he can make one pot for this purpose and another for that purpose. the uniqueness of the Bible! Used by permission. Sarah's story is one of faith, obedience, and trust in God's plan, and her legacy as a biblical matriarch has made her a role model for believers throughout the ages. Todays guest post is by Jon Ng, ministry director of Rising Hope Street Ministry. The Bible is a compilation of 66 books and letters written by more than 40 authors during a period of approximately 1,500 years. 210 verses, which would bring the total to 376 verses altogether.]. What animal spoke in the Bible? The history of the early church is essentially how God used bad for good, as persecution itself led the church to spread its message throughout the world. Consider these reasons why the Bible is unique: The Bible is a book of . The Old Testament veils Christ in prophecies and types, while the New Testament reveals Christ. Scripture repeatedly gives examples of God rewarding those who practice faith and obedience in contrast to those who persist in disobedience and unbelief and disobedience. 56. Initially God called Israel to judge the sinful Canaanites by wiping them out and taking possession of their land. Id love to pray with you guys if you would let me.. I went to Bible college and returned to work as a caretaker in a nursing home while studying to become a nurse. My Name (28), Your Name (9), the Name of the Lord (2), the Name of the only begotten Son of God (1), My Fathers Name (2), the Name of My God (1), His Name (1), My New Name (1), the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit (1). But Israel never completely destroyed the Canaanites and instead was influenced by them to practice evilidolatry, sexual immorality, and even sacrificing their children to false gods. Is there injustice with God? God created all things and He has revealed that, in His sovereignty, He is progressing created order through a process of Creation, Fall and Redemption. I cant tell you how many times Ive heard that Jesus taught about money more than any other topic. Rising Hope seeks to address the immediate and long-term needs of homelessness through hunger-relief, authentic community, friendship, and care. Four highly acclaimed books, published in conjunction with the Smithsonian Institution: Aspects of Monotheism, Feminist Approaches to the Bible, The Rise of Ancient Israel and The Search for Jesus. In fact, Scripture seems to indicate that Abraham came from a family of idolaters and that he was an idolater himself. The fear left me. God is holy and cannot accept sin. I felt powerless. I thought about it for a second and remembered a huge bridge that I was warned to never go under. Though Paul was a persecutor of Christians, God chose him to be an apostle. Thats what I was missing. Interestingly, the Greek word for "prune" is the same for "cleanse," likely pointing to how cleansing is the key to growth. Paul doesnt really answer the question. Between the pillars of concrete and steel were dozens of tents, palettes of wood, chairs, and random furniture. Holy Bible, New International Version , NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. Theologians refer to God making himself known as revelation. The reason this is called revelation is that we cannot know God unless he reveals himself to us. We should use the context of the Bible to help us understand each verse and not just rip a verse out of context to prove . It was his most talked about topic. The answer to this is speculative and based on your understanding of the scriptures from the bible. 34. Husband. I thought, What a coward Ive been. For a moment, I felt like Enoch. As we approached the park, a group of the gang members riding bicycles came towards us and started to circle around us. Why did it seem like God was shrinking away when I was more active than ever in my faith? Up the incline where the hill met the road of the bridge were more tents, hidden in the dark. We arranged to meet at the park across from the bridge, and as I approached the park with Lyman, I noticed that the park was filled with people. My future is totally uncertain, but I know that God is with me wherever I go. In fact, a good part of Jesus' parables touches the area of finances. God has placed every book, even the so-called boring ones, in the Bible for a reason. Lamech, Cains son, murdered another man. But why did God choose Abraham? New International Version (NIV): 13 times. God bless you. The Love of God 12. Holy Spirit (12), Spirit of the Lord (1), Spirit of truth (3), Spirit of God (1), Spirit of your Father (1), the Spirit (13), the promise of My Father (1). In one sweet, beautiful moment, Lyman and I prayed with 40 broken souls in the middle of downtown Bellingham. (2), My Fathers house (1), throne or thrones (6), Life (70), that age (1), the age to come, eternal The common statistic given to show how much Jesus emphasized money is that 11 of the 39 parables talk about money. Rising Hope seeks to address the immediate and long-term needs of homelessness through hunger-relief, authentic community, friendship, and care. What she needed was far more than food, a warm place to live in, or a paycheck. I gave up my job and my pursuit of a nursing degree to pursue this calling full-time, and I can say without a doubt that it was worth it. They were called to witness to the Gentiles about the true God. God revealed himself through angels, prophets, and apostles, who spoke for him. Jesus Christ and John the Baptist were homeless. Son of Man (80), Son of David (1), King of the Jews (3), Christ (11), Lord said to my Lord (3), Shepherd (9), Gods Son (4), the Way (1), I am the Alpha and the Omega (1), the first and the last (3), the beginning and the end (1), the root and the descendant of David (1), the bright Morning Star (1). I couldnt ignore the cries of the poor. It was also part of the names of all the archangels, such as . Absolutely not! The point Jesus was making about hating our own family was that in comparison to Him, we must love Him above all everyone, and if need be, renounce them for His sake. After all, the half dozen pharaohs refered to (thinking of pharaohs in Abraham's time, in that of Joseph, Moses, Ahab, as well as in the prophetic books) are always referred to as pharaoh except in Exodus 1 where the account speaks of a 'new king'. David is mentioned 1141 times. Most Christians have a very mixed relationship with money. Answer (1 of 70): Did Jesus write any book in the Bible? What are the main themes of the Bible? When I went home that night, I had no idea what wed started. life (23), find it (3). Throughout the series the three of them will unpack attributes of God found in Exodus 34:6-7. To seal both vision and prophet. Revelation 6:16-17 says, They said to the mountains and to the rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who is seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?. Even in those parts of the world, Christians were still persecuted both by Jews and pagans. What are other major themes of Scripture? Consider the following verses: You study the scriptures thoroughly because you think in them you possess eternal life, and it is these same scriptures that testify about me, Then he said to them, These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the psalms must be fulfilled. Then he opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures. However many, specifically pastors, have overemphasized Jesus teaching on money to prove their point. Rather than put an argument out for what single topic Jesus taught about most, I want to look at the range of topics Jesus taught about. For the next few days, every time I openedmy Bible, every chapter I read was about the poor. Then he commanded Moses, Joshua, and others, to write down his Words and teach them to others. 2:11-18 ), and we "love the brethren" ( 1 John 3:14 ). Christ in All the Bible Section 2 Sin; Its Origin, Results, and Remedy 6. But hes not. But not everybody realizes that many of the most iconic features of Christianity were never mentioned by the holy book or the church, but were actually pulled out of the ass of some poet or artist who wanted to make a few bucks out of it. Here are five ways you can make a difference. In addition to choosing Abraham, God gave him a conditional promise that eventually became unconditional. Therefore, biblical history is Gods storymeant to teach and reveal Gods ways to people. It was time to go where no one else was going. The problem is, thats not true. The name Gaza means "strong," which is a fitting name considering . Whether death results from a sudden accident or a sustained illness, it always catches us off-guard. How else is Gods election seen in Scripture? Not a single person responded to me. That way we can see some of the important themes that Jesus continually went back to. Look up your topic. It says in Christianity and other religions that love for God and others is above all the laws of earth and men. The word-counting approach can lead you astray. In Genesis 11, after God had called for people to multiply and spread throughout the earth, they chose to disobey him and instead remain in one place and build a tower, so as to make their names great. Jesus said the Scriptures taught about him. This is at no cost to you and helps keep Rethink up and running. Reward (15), treasure in heaven (4), treasures in heaven (1), I will give (5), you will be repaid (1). Whatand WhenAre the 12 Days of Christmas? For the scripture says to Pharaoh: For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may demonstrate my power in you, and that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth. So then, God has mercy on whom he chooses to have mercy, and he hardens whom he chooses to harden. Lo and behold, even the gang members whod kept their distance from us bowed their heads in prayer with us! Genesis 5 lists the first genealogy which documents the effects of sin, as people experienced physical death: So and so lived and then died, so and so lived and then died (paraphrase). BUT those stats dont tell the whole story. Does he care how we use our money? Please show me what I am missingwhat am I overlooking in Scripture? What did He preach about the most? There is a clear, consistent message whenever the Bible mentions the poor: helping them is not optional. Everybody feels guilty about wanting more. I think we should just acknowledge they are both focal points of Jesus messages. If you want to read more about what Jesus said about hell you can check out this article I wrote: Understanding Specific Bible Stories (Biblical Interpretation), The Powerful Meaning Of Psalm 23:5 (you prepare a table before me), What You NEED To Know About The Ephesians 4:26 Meaning (in your anger do not sin), What You NEED TO Know About The 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Meaning (love is patient). When this happened, God revealed to them the negative results of sin: there would be enmity between the devil and the woman, friction in marriage (and all relationships), pain in birth, difficulty in work, and ultimately death. As mentioned, God reveals himself by creating the heavens and earth, including people. Most Bibles have an abridged concordance in the very back to help you get started. As a predominantly Christian people, Westerners think they know the Bible pretty well. Jesus isnt actually teaching us about money, instead, Hes using money as an illustration for how we should search for the lost. Depending on how you count it you will get different answers. Rather they are an illustration that points to the larger truth. Esau should have received the blessing; however, Scripture says God chose Jacob instead. Second Chronicles 16:9 (NIV) says: For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. God is searching for such people because he desires to bless and use them greatly! The Old Testament was written for the most part in Hebrew, with a small percentage in Aramaic. Twice in Genesis 5, Enoch is described as a man who walked with God. I coveted Enochs relationship with God, and so I stepped out onto my balcony that warm summernight and prayed: Father God, I want to have the same kind of amazing friendship that Enoch had with You. The two talking animals in the Old Testament commanded the attention of several authors of New Testament books, who Money is one of the most mentioned topics in the Bible. Christ ultimately came through Abrahams lineage to bless the nations. This is what I have been looking for. Dear friend, it's always a joy to know when we connect with someone and are able to be of some benefit. God rules and reigns forever (even when it doesn't look like it). Sin. If youve been to church during a money series youve probably heard that Jesus taught about money more than anything. He has served over eighteen years in pastoral ministry, and currently serves as a chaplain and professor at Handong G More, The Net Pastors Journal, Eng. Gaza is one of the oldest cities in history. It would appear that Jesus taught about food more than money. Im not a police officer, but I am here to tell you Jesus loves you, and he is not angry with you. What other themes do we find in Scripture? It could not have been more dangerous, reckless, and unwise. There was an active gang and homeless community living there and it was remote enough that there would not be help anywhere nearby. 1) Work is part of God's big picture. In what ways is this true? As I began to read verse five, God highlighted the story of Enoch in a way that changed my life forever. Money is mentioned 140 times in the King James Version of the Bible. Baptize Appearances in the Bible. Attach a tilde (~) to the front of a word to omit results containing that word. What is the most mentioned subject in the Bible? It was not nearly as profound as I intended. See New Testament verses on faith and believing for all references. Journeys: These guided tours through the Bible give you daily inspiration. The prayer of a righteous person has great effectiveness. One reason God continually gives examples and exhortations demonstrating his blessings for faithfulness and obedience is because he desires many to choose this path instead of the path of the wicked (cf. Matthew 25:34-46 says taking care of the poor is the same as taking care of Jesus and neglecting the poor is the same as neglecting Jesus. At a glance, it is clear that while some . All things were created by him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created Now the Word became flesh and took up residence among us. Hello? I yelled. The Study of the Scriptures 3. Those who reject Christ will suffer both present and eternal consequences for their sins. I think the bible is pretty clear that Pharaoh is a title. Father. All God The Bible Jesus God's Kingdom Spirit Realm Life & Death Suffering Faith & Worship Holidays & Celebrations Lifestyle & Morals. The most mentioned king in the Bible is the King of King and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. Consider what he said: What shall we say then? Not surprisingly, Jesus Christ is the name most mentioned in The Bible. Deeds (25); work, works (21), workers (2), does the will of God (3), and acts on them (2), obey, observe, keep My word (2), kept the word (1), kept My Word (1), keep the commandments (1), keep My commandments (2), that slave whom his Master finds doing so when He comes (1). In addition, Christ was always pictured in the King of King and of! Assume hes talking about money a compilation of 66 books and letters by. Went to Bible college and returned to work as a man who walked with God a small percentage Aramaic... Esau should have received the blessing ; however, if you would let me others. ( ~ ) to the front of a righteous person has great effectiveness read verse five, said... And another for that purpose after judging the world, Christians were still persecuted both by and! Than any other topic am I overlooking in Scripture needed was far more than money, but I,! 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