Carlsbad, CA 92008. On the flip side, fraudulent enlistment is not normally pressed if a recruit volunteers the information early. When you get to boot camp they have what is called the "moment of truth". Could you give us an update on what happened? Lying to Get Into the Military is a Felony. PENALTIES for lying on the SF86 The SF-86 explains: The U.S. Criminal Code (title 18, section 1001) provides that knowingly falsifying or concealing a material fact is a felony which may result in fines and/or up to five (5) years imprisonment. Lets unpack that a little. In other words don't speak to issues outside the time period specified on the SF86. Ok, you will not be goin to jail or anything. Juvenile Records Are Visible. How do people make money on survival on Mars? Recruits must keep in mind that everyone at MEPS is thoroughly investigated at the local, state, and federal levels for any illegal records or criminal activity. They aren't going to check your medical record for ADHD unless it comes up in your career. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If youre unlucky, you could be convicted of a felony, punishable by a $10,000 fine and three years in prison. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Questions about joining the Marines? Handle this the right way, as you should all things. To operate equipment for which every single technical manual is readily (and legally) available online? Security Clearance When your security clearance application asks about any illegal drug use in the past 7 years, that includes marijuana use which took place in states like Colorado, Washington, or California, where it was obtained and consumed legally based on state law. Here is a handful of the medical conditions that require an Army medical waiver. Ive tried ecstasy three times probably around 2011 (would be 22 years old). All I know is that this is what I've wanted since I started high school and now that I'm finally good to go, I may have fucked up big time. But only because I don't have a security clearance.. In order to get a Top Secret Security Clearance you have to undergo a Single Scope Background Investigation which will encompass the following: Minimum investigative scope. Rule #3: Don't be in a position to use Rule #2. What is the best compliment to give to a girl? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. You don't seem mature enough for secret clearance anyhow. These are usually face-to-face meetings, during which time the investigators will ask those references for two other people that know you, whereby those interviews will also be held in an in-person environment. DoD is the one that will adjudicate your background investigation so the answer is yes. Lied at MEPs about mental health history and drug history. They check a lot of shit. Even tiny lies can be discovered. I dont take any medications and havent since about a year ago. Such cases are rare, but they do happen especially when the lie was particularly egregious and would have resulted in a clearance not being granted. But when applying for security clearance, what matters most is your honesty. He/she didn't tell me a thing about it!" Food for thought. Should I just come clean or will I get discharged for a fraudulent enlistment? Here are some helpful responses to frequently asked questions regarding this topic: The military will absolutely check your medical history. The truth will come out then and it will be much worse if you've continued to lie throughout the years. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Heres what I didnt disclose at MEPS: I had my appendix removed around 2008 (would be 19 years old). Again, if someone tells you that the military never checks into these matters, then they are not telling you the truth. Carlsbad, I am going into the marines and have a contract to go to security school where you need a TS if you complete it. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Already lied at meps so I'm feeling really screwed and uncertain of making this my career like I once dreamed of. Candidates can receive clearance for information up to the level for which they qualify. If you have done drugs, been suspended, or done other "stupid kid things" I can guarantee there's a waiver for it. Thanks. It does make things more difficult. I also had a medical marijuana card for like a year or two while I grew, I dont remember how long it lasted (Dont think I ever renewed it). I appreciate it very much. 1 Should you lie about drug use for security clearance? So your observation about the effect of the pressure tempting people to do whatever it takes to make their quota is not far off target. I have zero skeletons in the closet, so Im assuming by now after nearly 150 days, its probably been cleared? Top-secret clearance takes four to eight months to complete (sometimes closer to a year depending on the applicant). Well I went to a very anal MEPS and I didnt want to risk being disqualified so I lied about having ADHD. Along with me admitted to the physc hospital I smoked weed and it affected me very poorly. Past ten (10) years or to age 18, whichever is less. A Top Secret background investigation involves the FBI going out and actually interviewing you, your neighbors, your associates and the people that know them. Related Article What To Wear At MEPS (Males & Females). Well, you can't get a discharge before you're actually in, so that's a no. It's that simple. 8-15 months for a new Top Secret clearance with access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) If you transferred to GSA with an active clearance, timelines may be quicker. From the joint you smoked in high school to the candy bar you stole when you were 9. A recruiter who encourages you to lie has violated his/her own service regulations and can be prosecuted for violation of a regulation under Article 92 of the UCMJ. I used to be really affected and take meds for it every day. The surgery was such that it would have required a waiver to join. This was all before I was 18 years old. I used the drug one time and that was it. You wouldn't have had to. During the final week of basic training, he was removed from his flight and processed for a discharge for fraudulent entry. The recruiter performed a local criminal background check and it came back clean. My point is, those recruiting quotas really are do-or-die numbers, even though they still have to be made legally and ethically. Losing your clearance doesn't mean you can't join the Marines, it just limits the types of jobs you can have. So, what should you do if your recruiter encourages you to commit a crime by lying? . CA Many security clearance applicants become tempted to hide former drug use, such as the fact that they smoked marijuana or abused prescription pills, perhaps back in college. If you get away with it long enough to actually enlistand are caught later, it's also a "military offense." The Services do care very much about doing the right thing and recruiters do get fired, usually without mercy, when they get caught violating the rules. Though it may be tempting to lie at MEPS about your medical, criminal, and/or drug history, the consequences arent worth it. Its also common for recruits with a history of drug use, whether recreational or addictive, to lie about their experiences. My current friends would never say anything about it, but the problem is I have three, let's say enemies, who used to be my best friends in high school. This procedure is standard for screening potential enlistees in advance for the presence of drugs or alcohol. You're not going to jail. My acceptance for enlistment is based on the information I have given in my application for enlistment. You might still have a problem but its no bigger than the problem you have now. This is why I love the reddit community. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Top Secret clearance is not a big deal and the military doesn't really give a fuck about your juvenile record unless it's drug related or something pretty serious. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This includes diligent screening and thorough investigation to ensure that potential troops are mission ready, trustworthy, and reliable. Lack of it can land you in trouble, both now and in the fleet. Tell the fu**in truth and whatever happens happens. When you are being investigated for security clearance, the investigators on your case will learn about your juvenile record because you will tell them about it. However, any hidden disclosures that come to light will definitely affect their current and future military career. Lying about paperwork is, and I am 99% certain that will come up on a polygraph. The first step is filling out the SF-86 form (with all truthful answers) before it goes through an investigative process initiated by the OPM or an outside agency that is contracted by the OPM. #12. If any of that information is false or incorrect, this enlistment may be voided or terminated administratively by the Government, or I may be tried by Federal, civilian, or military court, and, if found guilty, may be punished. There's a decent chance you may still get it, since you were up-front with the investigator. They may lie about behaviors, charges, and other possible information that could disqualify them from enlisting in the military. The consequences of lying at MEPS can be significant in both the short and long term. When completing thisquestionnaire, which asks you to divulge information about your background and history, as well as provide references who can speak to your character, it may be tempting to omit or lie about certain things. Understand that making an official complaint may not result in prosecution of the recruiter (it depends upon how much evidence there is), but it will darn sure make sure that the recruiter's supervisors are aware that something wrong might be going on. Or, you can help stop this unlawful practice by making an official complaint. Our core values are Honor, Courage, Commitment. Below are approximate timelines for the clearance process: 1-2 months for a new Secret (interim) clearance. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. A history of occasional, strictly recreational use of soft drugs such as marijuana may not disqualify you from military service in certain branches. This means facing potential punishment with a $10,000 fine and three years in prison. Its honestly best not to lie because youll end up getting discharged from the DEP if you make it past meps the first time. Do I care if you smoked weed in high school? These testimonials reflect the potential professional consequences and the personal burden of worry and fear: So this is a throwaway because Im nervous with this question. Knowingly giving false information or withholding required information on any recruiting form is a criminal offense (When the information would have made an individual ineligible to enlist, or would have required a waiver to enlist). I omitted information at MEPS. Rule #2: If you do lie you fucking own that lie and lie about that lie all the damned way to your grave even when someone says it's a lie. Yes, it's wrong, but MEPS folks are pretty good about recognizing it. The criminal background check and security clearance investigations can and do find sealed records. Do I care if you smoked weed then tried to cover it up? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The investigator will check your ID, and go over the basic sections of the SF-86 to make sure it is complete. Lying At MEPS About Medical Or Criminal History: 3 BIG Consequences. If you lie on the SF-86, you could face fines and/or up-to five years in prison. If you get sick while in the military, and the medical professionals suspect it is a preexisting condition, the military will make every effort to track down previous civilian medical records. If you lie about your previous drug use (even if there is no criminal record), and your military job/assignment (either now or a future assignment) requires a Top Secret clearance, the military CAN find out about it (see Security Clearance Secrets). This is for the investigator to meet you and to verify that you are the person that they have the paperwork (SF-86) on. Each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces utilizes their own MEPS to evaluate recruits for military readiness, including their standards of conduct and character. The United States Army will analyze infections and other conditions of the head, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and neck. This person also acknowledges that they had opportunities to come clean about their condition, which would have resulted in far less professional and personal repercussions. another mitigating circumstance is being encouraged to lie by authorized personelbut would mitigating circumstances actually allow me to continue with the process of getting my clearance? The suicide attempt will probably pop up as a police report or during other records/interviews. In other words, any actions you take to hide or lie about information that would affect your eligibility to enlist is considered a felony offense. The fact that you did tell the truth MAY work to your favor. Yes, you need to be caught in the lie, but that isnt as difficult as you might think. 92008 However, service members are subject to random reinvestigations at any time. Do you get drug tested for top secret clearance? It's too bad you didn't know how simple and basic secret clearance investigations are - or you would have never lied. But not my 5 mph ticket as it was only 100$ or 80$ idk but they took it off my record and points due to it being my first offense and completing a course. Your recruiter may or may not get into trouble. It's a felony offense, punishable by a $10,000 fine and three years in prison. I'm going to stick to my lie on this one and hope for the best. I hate lying about big shit like this as its hard to feel good about it without being guilty. However, if you are caught in a lie even about recreational drug use, your chances of a military career diminish greatly. The clearance process for Secret level access uses an investigation called the National Agency Check with Law and Credit that goes back five years, while the clearance process for Top Secret uses a Single Scope Background Investigation that goes back ten years. Its not a matter of telling your branch. Other than that I haven't heard anything and it's been about 3 months. It sounds like your recruiter didn't want to go through some paperwork. To be able to look at imagery that was taken from platform classified 30 years ago, whose capabilities were surpassed by the 2nd iPhone? My shipping date is already a long wait but if I have to wait longer I'll do it just to clear this up. Additionally, if the recruiter knows you are not qualified for military service, under the regulations, and processes your enlistment anyway, that recruiter can be charged with a violation of Article 84 of the UCMJ. They are foreigners so he had me say they lived in their native country. Also "Will I get a Dishonorable Discharge before I even ship? Expansion of Investigation. It all depends on supply and demand as the difficulty tends to ebb and flow with these main factors. or would it just protect me from fradulent enlistment and reassign me to another MOS that doesnt require the clearance? Worst case scenario, you will be unable to join the Marine Corps ever. Its the DoD that holds your clearance, not your branch and its the DoD that will be adjudicating your new clearance. Obviously I will tell them about my felony charge. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If the applicant had been forthcoming about his drug usage, his personal conduct might not have been an issue like the DOE applicant we previously mentioned. However, during his interview, the applicant told the investigator he only smoked marijuana once in his entire life. Cookie Notice And really want my security job. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Depending on the MOS you are in, the most you may ever need is a secret and no one might never dig into your pass. You cant have one without the others and there is no honor in lying. The records are located and showa childhood diagnosis of asthma. They don't expect all applicants to be perfect since that's impossible . Is there somehow Ill be notified? To protect your future, its best to be honest at every stage of the military recruitment processincluding MEPS. The recruit is given an, A recruit had a felony conviction, as a juvenile, but the records were sealed. The process of adjudication is known as the whole person concept, which takes into account the information you voluntarily submitted, the nature and seriousness of the information you presented, and the frequency of questionable conduct you may have engaged in. However, once you have made any dishonest claims, the consequences are typically definitive and clear. However, you are now at the mercy of the investigator. is "no." The recruiter instructed the recruit to lie at MEPs, and the recruit was enlisted in the. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Should I just convince myself I never had it since I really do feel normal and I can function normally? (0 members and 1 guests). In some cases, a discharge from the service. I just finished taking the ASVAB and I qualified for my dream job in the army that requires a Top Secret Security Clearance (TSSC). You can listen to the recruiter and take your chances. Oorah! Consequently, some tend to "coach" their applicants on how to answer the medical questions. He was forthcoming on his SF-86 and during interviews, and the drug use became a non-issue, particularly because he told investigators that he had no plans to use drugs ever again. So Im sure its on a medical record somewhere. I enlisted in the Army Reserves back in January (37F- PsyOp), which requires a Secret Clearance. My job requires Top Secret Security Clearance, I lied at MEPS about weed. Treasure Trails Coordinate Locator The treasure trails coordinate locator is a tool that helps you find where your next clue . EDIT: Wow thank you for all the responses! While waiting to hear back, the applicant began to have second thoughts. Army Commendation Medal (ARCOM): 8 Things To Know, Army Achievement Medal (AAM): 6 Things To Know, Thymosin Alpha 1 Peptide: Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects, & More, Best Stun Gun Flashlight Review: Police Force Tac Torch. Potential enlistees undergo a medical exam at MEPS as well. The investigation focuses on your character and conduct, emphasizing such factors as honesty, trustworthiness, reliability, financial responsibility, criminal activity, emotional stability, and other pertinent areas. Do not lie. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The list is comparable to the other branches of the military. Now Im back to searching the best route. The general rule is, you lie at MEPS, you tell the 100 percent truth on your security clearance. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". I had a positive TB test in 2015, but nothing on x-rays (would be 26 years old). Updated on 07/31/19. DOHA Security Clearance Denials & Appeals, Pre-Clearance Counseling & SF-86 Assistance, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests. The recruiter did a check with the local law enforcement agencies and found no record of the arrest. Record somewhere he only smoked marijuana once in his entire life medications and since... In some cases, a recruit had a felony conviction, as you should all things say... A military career diminish greatly, Freedom of information Act ( FOIA ).. Arent worth it medical, criminal, and/or drug history, the applicant began to have second thoughts but no... 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