Others include rice (36.7%), cowpea (35.8%) and tomatoes (35.8%). The remote, immediate causes of Crimes, Insecurity/Terrorism and Instability in Nigeria and Solutions. Causes of Insecurity in Nigeria: #3: Corruption. Causes Of Food Insecurity In Nigeria 1107 Words5 Pages Current levels of food insecurity in the four countries reflect continued underinvestment in agriculture and livelihoods within the wider humanitarian and development fields. The study will also help to identify the food insecure as target groups and would give a better understanding of the causes of food insecurity as policy instruments for development planners so as to design effective food security programmes. Insecurity is a major challenge to development in the country. According to Ibrahim et al.21, due to the increasing prices of food in Nigeria, the quality and quantity of food intake among households has continued to decrease and a large proportion of households earning is being spent on food. According to Ziervogel et al.19, adequate food utility includes how often meals are eaten and of what they consist. Causes and Consequences Food Insecurity in Nigeria: A Thematic Exposition 2.4 Incidence of poverty. Key words: Food Security and Insecurity, Household, Security Challenges, Climate Change and Farm Produce. This problem is a gradual outcome of lack of food which leads to malnutrition and starvation among the poorest populations of the planet. This report will explore the impacts, causes and solutions of food insecurity and other contextual factors relating to Chad’s economic and financial crisis. Over 650,000 people in the Borno State, alone, are at extreme, limited access to agricultural land and labor opportunities, and are thus, heavily dependent o… Hence, the number of meals consumed by the households does not necessarily indicate adequate food utility. Although the respondents produced the food they mainly consumed, but their food security situation deteriorated. There is urgent need for policy makers in Kano state to implement pro-poor agricultural policies that would reduce farmers’ vulnerability to food insecurity. Although Kano state has been traditionally considered the bread basket of Nigeria, but Dirorimwe in Irohibe and Agwu11 noted that poor rural farming households have been facing significant food deficits and limited livelihood options thereby; worsening their food insecurity. Causes of Food Insecurity. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) This results in households having food security problems. Conclusion: In spite of the agricultural production activities of the farmers, the study found out that farmers were increasingly food insecure. Nigerians lack enthusiasm for local products and often consider them inferior to imported food products. Causes of Insecurity in Nigeria. Perceived causes of household food insecurity: Entries in Table 4 indicates the perceived causes of household food insecurity. However, despites the efforts of these programmes by successive government and huge budgeting attached to, In 2015, about 800 million people worldwide still suffer from food insecurity with the vast majority in Africa. An inquiry will be made into the causes of food insecurity in Nigeria and then globally. Improving food production and sustainability in Kano state typically requires the recognition that food insecurity is a cross-sector challenge at multiple levels and as such is central to overall development. Thus, the total sample size for the study was 120 respondents. Hence, this study was conducted to critically examine the causes of household food security with a view to discussing policy implications for food production and sustainability. Causes Of Food Insecurity In Nigeria 1107 Words | 5 Pages. Current levels of food insecurity in the four countries reflect continued underinvestment in agriculture and livelihoods within the wider humanitarian and development fields. In Borno State, 64.2 percent of households are food insecure. 2.6 Approaches to poverty alleviation. In the first stage, 6 rural local government areas were purposively selected from the 38 rural local government areas in the state on the basis of their intensity in crop production. Causes Of Food Insecurity In Nigeria 1107 Words | 5 Pages. Such policies include the creation and expansion of state social safety mechanisms, incorporation of gender-sensitive issues in agricultural development, revival and adequate funding of extension services, in addition to a boost in investments to raise agricultural productivity and adapt to climate change sustainably. Although, Ngema et al.12, Haile et al.13 and Saidu14 have critically examined the causes of household food security, however, the policy implications for achieving sustainable food production among rural farming households have not been properly elaborated. Annual rainfall varies from 600-1200 mm in the Guinea savannah to 300-600 mm in the Sudan savannah. Food security is a broad concept that encompasses food production, accessibility and utilization. Also, data in Table 1 further showed that maize (79.2%), sorghum (40.8%), millet (34.2%) and rice (32.5%) are the main crops commonly consumed in the study area. E-mail: id_rudolph@yahoo.com. Food production, in fragmented portions of land, results in inadequate food availability to meet the demands of the increasing population in the area. These figures were added and further divided by 5 to get mean score of 2. In Chad there is no food security, because not everyone has enough food to eat. Resources Control Struggle: 5. The state has an altitude15 of 500-750 m a.s.l. 3 Causes of Hunger in Niger Niger is a landlocked country in sub-Saharan Africa that struggles to feed its population. Conflict and drought are forcing people to abandon their homes and their lands. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage and mean scores were used to analyze the data. This situation requires that particular factors which affect rural farming households differently must be examined and understood. Food security exists when everyone in the population has access to enough nutritious food to live an active and health life. Causes Of Food Insecurity In Nigeria 1107 Words 5 Pages Current levels of food insecurity in the four countries reflect continued underinvestment in agriculture and livelihoods within the wider humanitarian and development fields. “Food insecurity is a situation that exists when people lack secure access to sufficient amounts of safe and nutritious food for normal growth and development and an active and healthy life” (Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2015). Study design: A multi-stage random sampling technique was employed in selecting respondents for the study. Idachaba20 also reported that many households and individuals in Nigeria merely eat for survival. STATEMENT OF FINDINGS They typically live in extreme poverty … In Yemen, 18.8 million are in need of assistance, and in South Sudan, over 40% of the population is in need of food urgently, while 100,000 are in imminent danger of death by starvation. Chad is Africa’s 5th largest, them socially but psychologically. Malnutrition is a plague of its own, it has multiple physical side effects and causes of its own. Based on the foregoing, there is urgent need for policy makers in Kano state to implement pro-poor policies that would reduce the vulnerability of farmers to food insecurity. A tropical wet and dry climate prevails over the state and it has two distinct seasons, the wet and dry seasons. This could be the reason why they are commonly grown. and Greif: An Analysis of Malnutrition in Nigeria Many things can plague undeveloped countries and regions, but one particular plague that is hurting Nigeria isn’t of the viral type, it is a lack of food. As agricultural seasons are repeatedly missed and livelihoods abandoned, the … As of March 2018, the number of internally displaced persons has grown significantly. In the years 2011–2013, an estimated 842 million people were suffering from chronic hunger. On the other hand, food insecurity is generally associated with fluctuations in a household’s own food production4. The outrageous profits from the oil boom encouraged wasted expenditures in the public sector; dislocation of employment factor also distorted the revenue bases for policy planning. Conflict and drought are forcing people to abandon their homes and their lands. Also, about 69.2% of the respondents consumed vitamins, which includes fruits, green leafy vegetable, carrots and salad among others, while 48.3% consumed fats and oil, which includes butter, palm oil and groundnut oil among others. In Nigeria, it is important to note that the root cause of food insecurity, especially among low-income households, is poverty. Results: A greater percent of the households were engaged in food, cash crop production and animal rearing. Most political leaders are more concerned about the … Kano state is one of the 36 states in Nigeria, located at the northwestern part of the country. The mean annual temperature is about 26°C in the coolest months (December/January) and 31°C in the hottest months (April/May). Poverty is serious problem in Northern Nigerian States. We also highlight the causes of insecurity in Nigeria. causes and consequences of these challenges and concludes by positing that without addressing these challenges, food insecurity will persist in Nigeria for a long time. Background and Objective: Achieving food security is still a major problem for households in most rural areas of Nigeria. Sub-Saharan Africa contributes most to the global level of food insecurity. Current levels of food insecurity in the four countries reflect continued underinvestment in agriculture and livelihoods within the wider humanitarian and development fields. Food is a basic necessity of life, this is due to the fact that it is a basic means of sustenance also an adequate food intake, in terms of quality and quantity, is a key to a healthy and productive life. Thus, increasing family size exerts more pressure on consumption than the labour it contributes to production with the result that food insecurity sets in. FOOD SECURITY. Famine in Four Countries In Chad there is no food security, because not everyone has enough food to eat. Respondents’ perception of their household food security situation: Entries in Table 3 shows that 42.5% of the respondents believed that their food security situation was worst during the past one year, while 37.5% believed it had been a little worst. Energy … While some school of thought mirror poverty from absolute perspective and conclude that it is possible to, at some point been regarded as her strength but it currently is perceived to be the crack which may cause a predicted break-down. The study was conducted in Kano state between April and December, 2010. Concept and Definition. In addition, many Nigerians have justified the looting of the warehouses, citing the mismanagement of the palliatives. FOOD SECURITY. Food insecurity is consistently linked not only with food productions but also general economic and social development variables. Since the households in the study area have low extension contact in a year, they may have limited knowledge in agricultural technology techniques needed to boost food production. The total land area is 20,760 km2. Respondents were required to indicate their opinions by checking any of the five options namely, ‘strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and strongly disagree. Corruption: 4. The respondents indicated that their food security situation was worse off than the previous years. This study discovered that poor extension services, large household size and unstable government policies were major causes of the rural farming households’ food insecurity situation. Nigerians lack enthusiasm for local products and often consider them inferior to imported food products. Elite Manipulation of Ethnicity and Religious Differences: It is important to note the diverse ethnic make-up of the country is not on itself a ... 2. Perceived household food security situation of rural farming households It is common for low-income households to experience food insecurity, as poverty is the principal cause of food insecurity and consequently malnutrition . Extreme hunger causes people to become progressively weak, which makes them unable to work even if jobs were available. In Somalia, over 2.9 million people are at risk because of famine. Furthermore, it was observed that a greater proportion of the respondents may not have the ability to meet their dietary requirement possibly because of their low nutrition knowledge and other factors. Furthermore, the socio-economic characteristics and resources of individual households have been identified as basic factors, among other factors, influencing the food security status of rural households10. The majority of farm households in the study area are small-scaled subsistence producers with limited land and finance to purchase agricultural inputs for adequate food production. The looting also reveals Nigeria’s pervasive poverty and food insecurity. All the programmes aim at reducing the poverty in country including the poorest states of Northern Nigeria. The major cause, however, for much of the food insufficiency in Nigeria is the conflict and violencewhich has been largely due to ethnic and religious tensions in the northeast of the country. Food insecurity, poor conditions of health and sanitation and inappropriate care and feeding practices are the major causes of poor nutritional status. This report will explore the impacts, causes and solutions of food insecurity and other contextual factors relating to Chad’s economic and financial crisis. To get the mean values used for the decision rule, 0.05 was added to 2 and also subtracted by 2 to give 1.95. The Federal Government of Nigeria initiated different programmes to address the issue of poverty. This has the potential to raise efficiency in food crop production and increase farmers’ sustainability of food. It would further encourage trained extension personnel to disseminate relevant information to farmers regarding improving their farming methods and techniques by introducing new varieties of crops and improved breeds of animals which will improve their income and thus reduce the level of their food insecurity. The respondents also indicated that perceived causes of their food insecurity were mainly, poor extension services, large family size and poverty. When a man is satisfied with his needs for food he pursues other needs of clothing and shelter. Carbohydrate containing food is a staple energy–giving food in Nigeria and households in the area probably consume more often so as to be energetic to carry out farming activities. This has the potential to raise efficiency in food crop production and enhance farmers’ food security status. The remaining 11.7% consumed minerals weekly. The local government areas selected include Kura, Bunkure, Garunmalam, Ungogo, Makoola and Gezawa. In most states in the north, it is common to hear of attacks by ethnic militia causing mayhem in these areas. Finally, policies should be aimed at ensuring that institutional credit sources reduce the current high interest rates of 23% on loans and the procedural difficulties in securing institutional facilities, so as to encourage farmers access to such credit facilities for increased agricultural production and hence, food security. In the second stage, 4 town communities were selected through simple random sampling technique from each of the local government areas giving a total of 24 communities. Despite this, more than half of the country lives below the poverty line. Kenya https://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=jas.2019.513.519, Kura-Kosawa, Dan–Hasan, Kura town and Karfi, Bunkure-Kokotawa, Bunkure town, Kulluwa and Shimar, Ungogo-Rimingata, Ungogo town, Bachirawa and Bagadawa, Makoola-Danmarke, Mai Tsidau, Wailare and Tukui, Garunmalam-Garum–Baba, Chiromawa, Kadawa and Gafan, Gezawa-Gezawa town, Jogana, Tokarawa and Babawa, Distribution of respondents according to types of crop produced and consumed, Distribution of respondents according to classes of food consumed weekly, Distribution of respondents by the perception of their household food security situation, Mean score of perceived causes of household food insecurity. Values assigned to these options were 4, 3, 2, 1 and 0, respectively. However, it should be noted that consuming mostly carbohydrate containing food could result to malnutrition. The respondents were asked to indicate the types of food produced and consumed by them in the last one year. Also, the acquisition of fragmented land, mainly through inheritance affects agricultural production and poses a constraint to sustainable food security. Food insecurity is caused by various reasons. Recent surge in world food prices, trade restrictions imposed by major food importers, increased food commodity speculation, changing climatic pattern resulting in global warming, growing demand for arable land for cultivation of biofuel as well as poor national and local governance to cope with such shocks has worsen the food security situation in most parts of the world especially Nigeria5,6. Causes Of Food Insecurity In Nigeria 1107 Words | 5 Pages. History has it that one of the causes of the French Revolution (1789 – 1790) was as a result of the increase in the price of bread. Food insecurity refers to the state of being without reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. Why food security is a problem in the Philippines – this ABS-CBN news feature identifies problems common to many developing countries – lack of government investment in agriculture and the exodus of young people from the sector. It lies between latitudes 9°30' and 10°33' North of the equator and longitudes 7°34' and 9°25' East of the Greenwich Meridian. Current levels of food insecurity in the four countries reflect continued underinvestment in agriculture and livelihoods within the wider humanitarian and development fields. As agricultural seasons are repeatedly missed and livelihoods abandoned, the … Hence, incentives should be provided to extension agents in form of improved remuneration so as to encourage them to disseminate improved agricultural technologies to farmers. Illiteracy Among the Youths. Widespread Material Inequalities: 1. The main focus is on analysis of the causes and impact of food insecurity coupled with the measures to achieve adequate food security. An inquiry will be made into the causes of food insecurity in Nigeria and then globally. This finding can be beneficial to policymakers as it would enable them to understand the underlying causes of food insecurity so as to formulate effective polices for ensuring adequate food security. Though most of the households ate three meals daily, the quality and quantity of the food consumed determines their food security status. Three major factors that contribute to hunger in Niger are overpopulation, scarce water supply and armed conflict. Chad is Africa’s 5th largest, INTRODUCTION 5. While reasons for this situation can vary depending on levels of social and economic growth in different nations, unfavorable weather, need of life such as food, cloth, shelter as well as lack of access to education, health care and security. 2.5 Poverty alleviation. Furthermore, Adegboye8 attributed the deteriorating food security situation to poor agricultural policies affecting adequate food production in Nigeria which could be the case in Kano state. Insecurity is a state of being subject to danger or threat. Similarly, Ukoha (1997) found that domestic food production was the major cause of food insecurity in Nigeria. The humidity is relatively low16. Hence, this study was conducted to ascertain the perceived causes of household food insecurity in six rural areas of Kano state where intensive crop farming is practiced by rural farmers. Food security can exist at global, regional, national and household levels. Most of the people involved in threatening the security of Nigeria are … The amount of food insecure households is highest in the rural region of Borno in Nigeria. Faced with devastating, debilitating droughts, Somalia, Nigeria, South Sudan, and Yemen struggle to cope with famine, an obstacle that hinders all people within the nation. Locusts. The most common causes of food insecurity and Hunger in Nigeria: Nigeria is Africa’s wealthiest, most populous nation, it is also its fastest-growing economy. It is quite an uphill task discussing the driving factors for food insecurity in Nigeria. In the third stage, the community leaders were asked to make a list of 10 rural farmers in their communities and from the list, 5 farmers were selected through simple random sampling technique from each of the communities, giving a total of 20 farmers per local government area. Greentumble Climate Change, Environmental Issues November 17, 2015. STATEMENT OF FINDINGS The food security problem in Nigeria is pathetic as more than 70 percent of the populace lives in households too poor to have regular access to the food that they need for healthy and productive living [ 12 ]. Despite this, more than half of the country lives below the poverty line. On the other hand, long-run solutions involve creating food production and distribution systems that assure adequate access of the poor to food through income generation, nutrition and health education and an efficient supply system for food, either domestically produced or imported. Kano state has 44 local government areas. According to Ecker and Breisinger6, such short-run measures involve interventions to assure that the poor have access to food through various forms of real-income transfers, such as rations, food aids and subsidised distribution of food. Lack of money precludes the purchase of food, however plentiful its availability. According to Adegboye8, public policy on food and agriculture is itself at the root of Nigerian food security problems. The rural areas comprises 38 LGA-Ajingi, Albasu, Bagwai, Bebeji, Bichi, Bunkure, Dala, Dambatta, Dawakin Tofa, Doguwa, Gabasawa, Garko, Garum-Mallam, Gaya, Gezawa, Gwarzo, Kabo, Karaye, Kibiya, Kiru, Kumbotso, Kunchi, Kura, Madobi, Makoda, Minjibir, Rano, RiminGado, Rogo, Shanono, Sumaila, Takaila, Tofa, Tsanyawa, Tundu Wada, Ungogo, Warawa and Wudil15. Food insecurity is a multifaceted problem. Food insecurity is a multifaceted problem. Keywords: Food Insecurity, Prevalence of undernourishment, Africa, Nigeria. Perception of the number of times household feed daily: Figure 1 shows that the majority (86.7%) of the households ate three times daily, while 10.8% of them ate twice daily. In the past, various opinion leaders have proffered secession as the permanent solution to internal crisis and terrorism in the country. When Malthus posed the challenge of feeding the world population, there were, meet these objectives. The majority (86.7%) of the respondents consumed carbohydrate foods, which includes rice, Tuwo shinkafa, cornflour, gero and yam among others while 74.0% consumed protein foods, which includes bean cake (moi moi ), meat, fish and sour milk (fura da nono), among others. Information were collected on age, occupation and sex of household head including other household characteristics such as monthly income, crops produced and consumed and perceived causes of household food insecurity. Some studies have attributed the cause of food insecurity to household incomes (Reutlinger, 1985, Rosen and Shapouri, 1998, Prinstrup-Anderseen and Pandya-Lorch, 1995). The paper is aimed at estimating the likelihood of food insecurity among some selected households in Kano State of Nigeria using the Binary choice modeling Technique, specifically the Logit. Food insecurity may be chronic, seasonal or transitory. As Africa’s food security situation is getting more serious, the causes being behind it are numerous. Food security is defined as having access to sufficient amounts and safe food at all times, in order to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Insecurity in Nigeria. Kano state has more than 18,684 km2 of cultivable land and is the most irrigated in the country15. Crops produced and consumed: Entries in Table 1 shows the major crops produced and consumed in the study area. Also, the major crops produced were cereals such as maize, sorghum and millet, among others. Haile et al.13 reported that large family size causes food insecurity since food requirements increase in relation to the number of persons in a household. The fragmentation of agricultural land, the results of increases in population and land acquisition through inheritance causes inadequate food production. Causes of Food Insecurity. This further lends credence to the worsening food security situation in the area as noted by Dirorimwe18 in Irohibe and Agwu11. Odusola (1997) also found that real per capital incomes affects households’ consumption in Nigeria. For example, many developing countries don’t have the specific education needed to know that certain chemicals, such as pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides, should only be applied during certain, According to Abraham Maslow in his theory of psychological needs postulated that food is the important basic need of man. When the cost of food is high, households especially those with low income, do not afford good quality food. According to FAO, chronic under nutrition and food insecurity are principally caused by a combination of factors such as low agricultural productivity, high seasonal and year to year variability in food supplies and lack of off-farm … Also, access to various inputs needed for agricultural production is limited. The displacement of people in Nigeria has increased to the concern of food insecurity. The local government areas are classified as Kano urban and rural areas. Population displacement has left locals in the Diffa region of Niger food-insecure. Cereals were the major crops grown in the area and this finding is in agreement with Dirorimwe18, who noted that Kano state is famous for its grain production in the country. While it is true that the food insecurity problems in Africa are complex and will not all be solved overnight, there has been some progress … Insecurity Challenges in Nigeria. People don’t choose food insecurity. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentages and mean scores were employed in analyzing the data. 1. Dirorimwe18 also observed that fragmentation of agricultural land resulting from population growth as well as limited access to labour-saving farm and food processing implements are some of the underlying causes of food insecurity in Kano state. None of these studies … This is worse during a public health emergency such as … Although Nigeria, the giant of Africa, describes her heterogeneity as a situation of “Unity in Diversity”, it has become, INTRODUCTION Iranica J. Attempt was made to give an overview of the fundamental threat pose by insecurity of food on the people; these include: a moral and humanitarian threat, developmental ... University of Benin, PMB 1154, Benin City, Nigeria. According to the 2006 census, Kano state is the most populous state in the country with a population of 9,383,683 people, 75% of who are involved in agriculture, which is the mainstay of the state17. The food crisis in Niger is made worse by the staggering birth rates of the region. ‘Do or Die’ Politics: 3. Food is a basic necessity of life, this is due to the fact that it is a basic means of sustenance also an adequate food intake, in terms of quality and quantity, is a key to a healthy and productive life. The Food and Agricultural Organisation has projected that an … The major cause of insecurity in Nigeria is attributed to ethnicity and religion. Thus, variables with mean scores responses greater than or equal to 2.05 were regarded as perceived causes, while responses with mean values equal to or less than 1.95 were not regarded as perceived causes of household food insecurity. Across the border of Niger and Nigeria… Food Security They are more vulnerable to malnutrition, low quality foods and sometimes complete lack of food7, in spite of the fact that they produce the bulk of food. Food security is often times looked upon as just the availability of food, but safety and hygiene of food and food products gets overlooked. A lack of food security is forced upon them. It is quite an uphill task discussing the driving factors for food insecurity in Nigeria. The major causes of household food insecurity include: Poor extension services (M = 2.46), large family size (M = 2.34) and poverty (M = 2.28). People feel insecure … Rural households continue to face poor economic conditions which impact negatively on their living standards and food security situation. To ascertain the respondents’ perception of their household food security situation, they were asked to indicate how many times they fed in a day, they classes of food consumed as well as their food security situation. Food insecurity refers to the uncertain availability that many people face when it comes to access to different foods and beverages. Olayemi in Adepoju et al.9 further noted that food policy in Nigeria has been characterized by inappropriate role of the government in food and agriculture which manifest in badly formulated and poorly executed food policies and the perennial emergence of the unintended consequences of heavy reliance on imported food. 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